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Writer's pictureMark Alan Williams

Faith Is Taking The First Step Even When…

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

… you don't see the whole staircase.

This quote by Martin Luther King Jr., is a great analogy for faith. King lived his life by faith and ultimately sacrificed it by serving others. He is best remembered for his work as an American civil rights leader and activist during the 1960’s. His method of non-violent protest, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, stood in stark contrast to the violent methods of those who opposed him.

This is a guest post by Beth Harris. She is a wife, mother, Bible study leader and volunteer editor for

My youngest brother took a step of faith when he received Christ as a teenager. But over the years he slowly drifted away. Then in 1998, he recommitted his life to follow the Lord. He began listening to Christian music, attending church and making amends with people. One day he called me and wept as he spoke of God’s love for us through Christ.

But, a couple of months after that phone call, he died suddenly in his sleep at the age of 29.

His Pastor spoke at his Celebration of Life and said it was quite impressive to see my brother worshiping. He would stand in the back with his imposing build, hands raised up high and tears streaming down his face.

The Bible clearly defines faith in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (ESV)

We take steps of faith every day. We sit in chairs with faith that they will support us. When we step into elevators we believe that we will arrive at our desired floor. We flip light switches on trusting that the electricity will work.

But chairs break, elevators malfunction and electricity fails at times. Even people will eventually disappoint us too.

So then, faith is only as good as its object.

Therefore, it is crucial that we put our faith in God through Jesus Christ, because He will not break, malfunction, fail or disappoint us.

We take a first step of faith when we place our trust in Christ for salvation. Then we take additional steps as we follow Him throughout our lives.

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8 NIV)

Oftentimes, like Abraham, we don’t see the whole staircase, but we have just enough faith for the step that we’re on.

Some decisions require more faith than others. But trust in God can help us to accomplish even mountain sized goals.

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we live by faith, not by sight.” (NIV)

Christian’s live their lives by believing in God’s unchanging truths in Scripture and not by our feelings or sight.

We live the Christian life with the solid hope that we will receive God’s promises because of His faithfulness.

Have you placed your trust in Jesus Christ?

What steps of faith might God be leading you to take?

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