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  • Writer's pictureMark Alan Williams

Jesus’ Journey to Samaria

Are you willing to share the Gospel with as many as possible? 

In Jesus’ Journey to Samaria, we see Jesus going out of His way to meet with an individual who needed to hear the Gospel, even though she was a “lowly” Samaritan woman. We also need to take time to share our faith in Jesus with everyone, and especially those who may be considered outcasts. 

Mark Alan Williams and Beth Harris co-authored this article. Beth is a wife, mother, Bible study leader, and volunteer writer and editor for

Jesus’ Journey to Samaria teaches us about sharing the Gospel with as many as possible and includes two videos from Mount Gerizim in Jordan.

Jesus always tailored His sharing to the person’s needs. He approached the Samaritan woman and asked, “Will you give me a drink?” He started in the natural realm asking for a drink of water; then, He shifted to the spiritual realm by helping her to see her need for something genuinely satisfying, i.e., living water. But, only after engaging her in conversation and gently convicting her of her sins of five failed marriages and living with someone who wasn’t her husband. Finally, He revealed that He is the Messiah who came to give her eternal life.

Recently I (Mark) was asked to preach at a church in the area. There I saw a man I met while playing basketball years ago. One day, after playing basketball, he prayed with me to become a follower of Jesus! I have shared about Jesus with many at basketball, and he is the only one to respond to the invitation.

I had thought of him recently and wondered if he was still following Jesus. He is! He was recording my message to play on the internet, as he does each Sunday. He and his family are quite involved in the church and following Jesus! It was so encouraging!

Like Jesus’ Journey to Samaria, we can start witnessing by using a natural topic of conversation. We can ask: How are you doing or how are things going? Unbelievers, if they are truthful, are broken. Their way of living hasn’t worked. If you listen carefully and ask enough questions, you will discover there is a void in their life. They need hope, peace, joy, or forgiveness, and they need Jesus.

That is why we need to share the Gospel with as many people as possible.

Jesus’ final Great Commission was to “make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) We invite you to use the Discipleship Journeys with Jesus materials to make disciples, as Jesus commanded. They’re entirely free and easy to access on the internet. Just go to and sign up for the complimentary materials.  

Each study includes two short videos recorded on location in the lands of the Bible, so you can see where the events happened! The photo above is from the videos of this journey lesson.  

Journey 5 of DJJ, based on John 4:1-42, tells us about sharing the Gospel with as many as possible. In thisDiscipleship Journeys with Jesus study of Jesus’ Journey to Samaria, we read, reflect on, and interact on that passage and the events recorded there. We commit to being willing to share the Gospel with as many as possible.

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Anna Myagkaya
Anna Myagkaya
7월 17일

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5월 02일

Я вважаю, що новини - це невід'ємна частина нашого життя, без якої важко уявити наше сьогодення. Саме тому варто користуватися лише якісним новинним порталом, який може надати всю необхідну актуальну та перевірену інформацію. Завдяки такому новинному порталу я зміг відкрити для себе таку постать, як Максим Кріппа, який є українським бізнесменом, що здобув популярність завдяки своїм успішним інвестиціям в ІТ та інноваційну сферу. Кріппа став інвестором та партнером культової кіберспортивної команди NAVI, сприяючи її розвитку та високим досягненням у світі електронних ігор. Було дуже круто і приємно читати про таку особистість, яка своїми діями доводить, що завжди потрібно вдосконалюватися і вчитися новому.

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