It’s only 10 questions.
This website exists to help and bless you. To be as helpful as possible, I need your feedback and advice. That’s why I’m asking you to please take my 2017 Reader’s Survey. To do so, just hit the button below.
What are your needs, aspirations, struggles and preferences? How can I help? Please let me know through the 10-question survey link below.
It should take just 5 to 10 minutes to complete this 2017 reader’s survey.
Responses are completely anonymous.
Thank you in advance for helping with this. Please respond quickly since I’ll be compiling results soon.
Again, thank you for helping with this survey!
Additional resources about related subjects on this site:
If you want to learn more about my goals for this online ministry, please see my article: My 100th Blog Article: Why am I Blogging?
To learn more about who I am, see my About page.
To learn more about my podcast, see my Christianity Questions and Answers Podcast page.
To learn how to book me to speak see my Speaking page.
To learn about the new ministry I founded check out Discipleship Journeys with Jesus.
If you’d like to pray for my ministry, go HERE to receive my prayer emails.
To find out how to know God personally today through Jesus Christ, please click HERE!
NOTE: Facebook is random. Email is reliable. Subscribe via email and you won’t miss any of my articles, podcasts or videos. You’ll also get my eBook: 10 Prayers to Unlock Heaven on Earth