Thank you to all those who completed my Reader’s Survey 2015. Quite a few people did the survey and here are my own overall thoughts:

I was really blessed to see this: “I read articles carefully and translate in French, because we don’t have nothing similar in French.”
I was most surprised by this: Apologetics (evidence for the Christian faith) was the 2nd most popular subject category. It scored 59%. Highest was Spiritual Life, which scored 73%. Comment: I love apologetics study and I’m happy to know that it is helping others.
I found this interesting: Most respondents are over age 50. Only 15% are under 50. Comment: This is an area of some concern. I want to help mentor the next generation/s. Last year’s survey had more younger people. Maybe I need to ask my kids for advice on this.
I was a little bummed by this: Someone suggested “Possibly the addition of a search index that will aid in finding specific articles that match the keywords of a ‘search’.” If I understand the reader’s comment, he or she simply missed it. This search tool already exists where it reads “Search my blog…” right under my picture on the top right of my blog.
I was encouraged by this: 55% of respondents said they either “read carefully” or “study” my blog posts (as opposed to those who skim or just read a few paragraphs which was 33%). Someone commented: “there is so much to read with the internet these days, I do a lot of skimming. But I read carefully or study what is really valuable.”
I was really grateful for all the affirmation in Question 6!
Here are the results of the 10 questions from my Reader’s Survey 2015:
Q1 How old are you?
Those who responded to the survey fell into the following categories:
37% were 65 years or older15% were 60-6432% were 50-597% were 40-494% were 30-394% were 29 or younger
Q2. Which of my blog categories do people enjoy reading most?
(People could respond to more than 1 category, thus the percentage is more than 100):
73% said “Spiritual Life”59% said “Apologetics”41% said “Leadership”37% said “Family”23% said “Church Planting”
There were a lot of comments on this question. Here are some common themes:
Dealing with conflict and achieving unity in the church.
Closer walk with Jesus
Sharing your faith effectively yet kindly
Q3 What describes how people read my articles?
46% read carefully
17% skim
16% read the headline and maybe a few paragraphs
12% other (see comments below)
9% study
Some of the comments on this question were:
I listen to the podcasts
I skim the article and then listen to your podcast.
[I read the] topic first if interested to my life and ministry to others – studyI save some, re-read later, share with others
Q4 What would people most like to get from the articles?
(People could respond to more than 1 category, thus percentage is more than 100):
73% inspiration and motivation
68% spiritual growth help
49% answers to faith questions
33% leadership guidance
33% great stories
27% help with family living
21% reasons to believe in Christianity
5% instruction in church planting
Q5 How did people first discover my blog?
53% Mark is a personal friend
26% Facebook Post
16% friend recommended
5% link from another website
3% other kind of social media post
3% web search
3% Facebook Ad
Q6 What do you like most about my blog? How has it helped you?
49 people answered this question and the answers are very helpful.
Here are some of my favorite answers:
You are always uplifting with joy and a pleasant way to convict, instruct, and encourage.
It’s motivational.
The practical, everyday approaches to life’s situations and how to handle them from a Christian perspective. I especially like the blogs about emotions and how to handle them in a positive way that is pleasing to God.
Good, practical and easily understood explanations for why Christians believe what we do, with scripture references to back up all you write about.
It has given me hope.
A smile comes to my face when I see Mark has remembered me again by sending me a message.
You are right on; biblically sound, practical.I understand many things I did not know before.
Scripture/doctrine/teaching is not politically correct revision.
It’s helpful & gives insight backed by scripture. Gives encouragement.
What you share is grounded in solid biblical doctrine. You are one who seeks to handle the Word with accuracy and depends on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
I like being able to share them on my Facebook page in the hopes that my nonbelieving friends will read them.
Short and concise
Frequency of getting it…
Topics are vital interest the outline format makes it very readable…you allow one to capture your heart for the Lord
It has helped answer questions.
I like the relevancy. I like how you use your personal experience to help illustrate.
I like the catching titles but filled with solid scripture then I repost to help many of my Facebook friends.
Every day brings difficult topics and new cultural concerns. I trust your answers and can share them with others.Always solid truth! Always delivered in a non-offensive way!Very timely topics and well written
Everything! I listen to a lot of podcasts and yours has blessed me and helped me grow more than any of the others.
Q7 “How can I make my blog better?
39 people commented and most of them simply said things like “Keep doing what you are doing.”
I’m glad people like what I am doing!
Some other gleanings:
I’d like to see more about how, in our very troubled world, we can continue to hold on to the hope of Christ’s return. Much has been written in the book of Revelation about the end times, but what can we do to prepare for the second coming of Christ?
For the podcasts, time can be added, so as to be longer than they are now.
Continue to address the reality of sufferings in the Christian life.
Continue to write about what matters to people when there is no one to guide them.
I think the ones that will get the most interest are the best, IE current topics related to Christianity.
It’s already great. I would like articles on overcoming fear, doubt and coping during difficult times like holidays without loved ones or how to get through the holidays with people that are difficult to get along with.
Q8 Hopefully you listen to my podcasts on “Christianity Questions and Answers.” If not, why?
45% not enough time
38% don’t know how to use podcasts
17% haven’t heard about this
20 people commented and many said something like “I listen.”
Other Comments:
Yes, I like but would like word copy on some of them
When I get your podcasts in my email, the links don’t work so I can’t listen
I listen to them all more than once!!!
Q9 What is the biggest challenge that you are facing right now?
40 people responded to this question:
24% said goal setting/achievement
18% said family issues/conflict
14% said finances
12% said spiritual growth (Way down from last year when it was 40%)
12% said Bible knowledge
8% said lack of direction
6% said doubts
4% said depression
4% said peace
Here are some of the comments:
Conflict within the organization I am in
Our son is not a believer, although he was brought up going to church, and I don’t know how to reach him.
How to share the Gospel with close family
Christian Faith being under attack
Q10 If you are on my email list, how often do you get my emails?
90% Just about right
10% Too often
0% Too little
Thank you again for all who took the Reader’s Survey 2015 and those who have read the results.
For those who wish to make further comments, please go to “CONTACT ME” at the very top of this website or click HERE.