Are you looking for coaching (mentoring) to help take you to the next level? Perhaps I can help.

Do you need coaching for…
Church Planting: I’ve been involved in church planting in most every level since 1980: church planter of multiple churches, mother church pastor, coach and consultant. Materials I’ve written have been used to train over 100,000 leaders so far. I’m also the author of several church planting books and handbooks. Ministry has taken me to 60 countries.
Life or spiritual walk: Perhaps you’re seeking life direction? I’m the author of Don’t Miss Your Life, an eBook that helps people find life direction, vision, goals and success. Perhaps you’re in need of spiritual direction? I’d love to help your spiritual walk become personal and real. (Check out my eBook “10 Prayers to Unlock Heaven on Earth.”)
Family: Carolyn and I have been happily married since 1979. We’ve raised three children and counseled others. We’ve seen just about every kind of family and personal issue. I’m not a licensed family therapist, but I do have wisdom from the trenches that might be just what you need.
Non-profit ministry: Since 1995 I’ve founded, led and helped direct multiple denominational and para-church ministries. I’ve served as both the top leader and in supporting roles. I’ve got the battle scars that might help keep you from being wounded.
Development: Since 1998 I have been a full-time missionary based in the USA and raising full support for my family. Development is both an art and a science. Perhaps I can help you develop both sides of this support raising equation.
The first coaching session is free. After that we can determine a coaching package that best suits your needs.
We can meet face-to-face, by phone, via Skype, Google Hangouts or teleconference.
For a full bio, see my About Page.