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Submit To Get What You Want

Writer's picture: Mark Alan WilliamsMark Alan Williams

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Sometimes the best way to get what you want is to submit to what others want. When my heart began to have problems with atrial fibrillation (heartbeat out of rhythm), I submitted to a doctor’s care. He told me to do things I didn’t want to do—like take a medication twice a day. But I took the medication anyway and guess what—my heart problem has been relieved.

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In my eBook 10 Prayers to Unlock Heaven on Earth, there are ten kinds of prayer which open doors we want opened. Of the 10, this one is probably the hardest to practice.

We humans don’t like to submit. Submission is like a dirty word to most people.

For many or most, life is a battle to be independent of the control of others. For some, it is a battle to control others.

But trying to control God is like trying to stop the forces of nature: you can try to stand up to a hurricane, but if you don’t seek shelter and pray, you’re probably a dead duck!

Salvation comes with submission. We must submit to receive salvation. God promises “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9 NLT)

But that is the prayer of salvation. What about submission in everyday living?

When we are saved, we gain direct access to the one who controls EVERYTHING. But to access that power we must continually submit our lives to Christ.

Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (NIV)

Someone once pointed out that the problem with a “living sacrifice” is that it has the tendency to crawl off the altar. Isn’t that the truth! We submit to the Lord one day, and the next day we’re back on our own path.

What is the answer? It is to pray a “Submitting Prayer” on a regular basis.

How to Practice “Submitting Prayer”

I suggest you follow the example of Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, now called Cru. God used him immensely after he made a “Contract with God.”

If you want to see God do amazing things through you also, then do the same. I did and here is my prayer that you can use as a sample template:

Mark Williams’ Contract with God

I give myself wholly to You God, a living sacrifice, a bondservant, a slave to be used however You want Lord.

With your help, I will crawl back up on the altar every time I slip down.

The world has yet to see what can be accomplished by a person wholly devoted to God, but I endeavor to be that person.

I know that in giving everything, I gain everything.

Signed: Mark Alan Williams 5/10/2010 Tokyo

After making such a contract with God, it is vital to live it out daily. So I suggest you pray daily prayers of submission.

To help me do this I regularly remind myself of the following: John Calvin called the human heart, an “idol factory.”

An idol is anything placed above God

So I reflect on this question:

My biggest temptation to idolatry yesterday was: _____________________?

  • A person: myself, children, a “winner,” someone I will not confront or witness to because of fear, heroes, my life itself

  • A place: vacation location, home, work, gym, basketball, church

  • A thing: status, my goals, bank account, investments, recreation, food, pleasure

  • An attitude: selfishness, pride, discontent, anger

Then I remind myself that it all boils down to this:

  • I have one person to please each day: Jesus. (A wonderful cure for people-pleasing stress)

  • I have one job each day: to please Jesus. (A wonderful cure for workaholism and feeling overwhelmed)

  • I have one concern each day: pleasing Jesus. (A wonderful cure for worry and anxiety)

Everything else is really unimportant in the long term—it will all pass away when I pass away. But “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

Submitting regularly will allow you to begin to unlock heaven on earth.

If someone is driving a bulldozer and you want to get the bulldozer to move some dirt or trees, the best way to accomplish that is not to try to push the bulldozer in the right direction. The best way is to befriend the bulldozer driver.

Likewise, when we befriend the Supreme ruler of the universe through submission, we have access to incredible power.

Jesus promised, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7 ESV)

Submit to get!

For more help in this arena, see my articles:

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