Other’s Books:
Recommended by Dr. Mark Williams
Vice President
Dynamic Church Planting International
If someone were to ask me, “What books have helped you the most—as a Christian, as a leader, as a pastor and as a church planter,” the following would be my response (in sequence from most elementary to most advanced). Start with any resource that naturally interests you or simply go from 1 to 35:
Spiritual Life and Christian Living
Fasting Can Change Your Life (Jerry Fallwell and Elmer Towns, eds.)
The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever (Elmer Towns & Douglas Porter)
Apologetics (intellectual defense of Christianity)
Leadership and Productivity
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey (Ken Blanchard, Wm Oncken Jr, Hal Burrows)
The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization (John Maxwell)
Church Leadership and Church Growth
Church Planting
The Church Planter’s Toolkit. (Robert Logan and Steven L. Ogne)
Big Dreams in Small Places: Church Planting in Smaller Communities (Tom Nebel)
Biography & Autobiography
Happy reading.